Translating for doctors, universities and pharmaceutical companies
Medical translation service for English/Spanish languages. Thank you for visiting our site. We are not just translators, but medical translators. We are updated with the last genetic research, HIPPA regulations and trends of the pharmaceutical industry. We add a short form of translation certification free with every translation, and offer special discounts for long documents. From one single page for a doctor’s office to a full study or an informed consent 40 or 60 pages long for a School of Medicine University IRB or a protocol from a Pharmaceutical company, we do the job professionally the first time. Double proof-reading for every translation. Fast turnaround. Free full certificates of translation or accuracy. No job too complicated or difficultly formatted. All that at competitive prices.
We provide services to Europe, the United States and Spanish America
Medical translation service for English/Spanish languages. Thank you for visiting our site. We are not just translators, but medical translators. We are updated with last genetic research, HIPPA regulations and trends of the pharmaceutical industry. We add a short form of translation certification Free with every translation.  From one single page for a doctor’s office to a full study or a informed consent 40 or 60 pages long for a School of Medicine University IRB or a Pharmaceutical company, we do the job professionally the first time. Double proof-reading for every translation. Fast turn around. No job too complicated or difficultly formatted. All that at competitive prices.
Translating for doctors, universities and pharmaceutical companies
We provide services to universities in Europe, the United States and Spanish America
Medical translation service for English/Spanish languages. Thank you for visiting our site. We are not just translators, but medical translators. We are updated with last genetic research, HIPPA regulations and trends of the pharmaceutical industry. We add a short form of translation certification Free with every translation.  From one single page for a doctor’s office to a full study or a informed consent 40 or 60 pages long for a School of Medicine University IRB or a Pharmaceutical company, we do the job professionally the first time. Double proof- reading for every translation. Fast turn around. No job too complicated or difficultly formatted. All that at competitive prices.
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Translating for doctors, universities and pharmaceutical companies
We provide services to universities in Europe, the United States and Spanish America
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